@VeroniqueB99 I for one, think it's GOOD that Trump pardoned this particular criminal - no person should spend his/hers ENTIRE LIFE in prison for running a drug shop on darknet - here in Sweden he would've never gotten LIFE sentence for this..
Ross Ulbricht is not a murderous psychopath that had solely an EVIL INTENTION in what he did - he was just a naive BOY-- to have to rot away for LIFE in a prison cell, for doing what he did, nah
Ulbricht was just a regular guy who ran a blackmarket shop
@VeroniqueB99 AND, this kind of, also, alters a little my view on Trump, and how i view that man, now that i find out he set Ulbricht free
Maybe Trump is NOT as heartless as everyone says - for, hear me out, if he had NOT released Ulbricht, he would have had NO HEARTH, that would have been an act of just kissing the ass of Amereicas sick justice system - just kissing upwards towards some vile and sick bureaucratic MONSTROSITY
Trump pardoning this Ulbricht guy changes how i view Trump, some...