Robert Reich: A Sunday thought #USpol
A Sunday thought
Robert Reich: A Sunday thought #USpol
A Sunday thought
#USpol #SiliconValley #Technofeudalismus #Trump #Musk
... und wer sich noch nicht mit dem international mächtigsten Faschisten und #Demokratiefeind beschäftigt hat, der sollte diese aktuelle #ElonMuskBiographie ansehen:
Elon Musk ist der reichste Mensch der Welt - und polarisiert wie kaum jemand sonst. Viele fürchten ihn als mächtigen Narzissten mit Hass auf alles, was woke, queer oder allzu demokratisch ist."
Where Trump voters will be hit hardest by Tariffs (NYT) #USpol
Maps: Where Trump Voter Jobs W...
#USpol #SiliconValley #Technofeudalismus #Trump #Musk
Dieser Beitrag erläutert die von mir verwendeten Begriffe nicht.
Wer sich mehr für #Technofeudalismus interessiert, der kann den Hashtag bei mir suchen, z. B.:
Bezüglich der gefährlichen #Transhumanismus-Philodophie von #Musk & Co.: #TESCREAL, z. B.:
Oder #Langzeitismus / #Longtermism:
Analysis: There is "no military or political logic to the US attacks" on Yemen's Houthis
While danger to shipping in the Red Sea is reason for concern, "it could be resolved diplomatically"
~Nabeel Khoury
The US pre-emptively attacked Yemen after the Houthis threatened to resume attacks on Israel-linked ships over Israel's blockade of Gaza.
Reportedly, most of the 31 people killed in the ~40 US strikes were women & children.
A friend of mine sent me this & urged me to spend eight minutes watching & listening. I don't use LinkedIn, but to my surprise i am able to access & play it fine, sans account. Tis a fine speech. I don't speak French, but happily the video includes a decent onscreen translation.
Dan Bowyer
If you monitor global politics and have 8 minutes to spare you must watch this. I've yet to watch, read, or hear such a magnificent speech on the state of the union.
Analysis: "The fundamental weakness of Western Civilization is empathy” ~Elon Musk
Arguably, the most damaging new war by Musk & the broligarchy is against the very notion of "empathy".
Musk, et al. frame empathy as a "trait to be eradicated in a quest for some kind of evolutionary advancement.... Empathy needs to be excised for civilization to progress."
The truth is that fascists are afraid of empathy. With good reason.
#Musk #Psychopathy #Fascism #USPol
Krasnov is the American Liz Truss.
Will *he* last longer than a head of lettuce? The answer, unfortunately, is almost certainly yes. Because as stupid as the Westminster system (as used in both Canada and the UK) is, their system is somehow even worse.
I've been reading stories about #US-based #scientists looking for an "#exile".
I believe the #EU should rather support them with their permanent #relocation, and exploit Trump's destructive rage to the max.
#USpol #SiliconValley #Technofeudalismus #Trump #Musk
USA: vom "Demokratie-Experiment" zum Technofeudalismus--wer steht hinter Trump
Dieser Beitrag erklärt hervorragend, wie die neuen Machthaber im Weißen Haus ticken und wie ihr Denken die Welt beeinflusst
Guter Einstieg für die, die letzten 10 Jahre sich wenig für Politik interessiert haben, super "recap" für alle.
ZDFheute: Die Strategie hinter der digitalen Reizflut
Die Strategie hinter der digitalen Reizflut
Imagine reading expressions like “eye-popping”, “obscene” and “fake news companies” in the official press release of a government agency, you would think that was something out of North Korea or some other cartoonish dictatorship.
> Depuis son retour à la Maison Blanche, Donald #Trump, secondé de son administration, se livre à une gymnastique lexicale où le sens communément admis des mots est détourné, distordu, contredit, et où quantité de termes sont tout simplement bannis dans certains domaines.
#Trump is also decimating the #US #defense industry, as #EU countries are quickly developing technologies and equipment to fill the holes left by his desertion of our #NATO #OTAN allies.
(Example: Drones could be more important in modern warfare than bigger systems—and #Ukraine owns the absolute cutting edge of this technology.)
So what happens to Lockheed, Boeing, etc when their foreign customer base sees it can do without them?
Meanwhile, a key strategic and empirical question from @nickkristof:
My take: both, depending on the context, of course.
Research is all over the place on this question, and it's hard to think of a research design that will give the definitive answer here.
1.65 million people is a statistic…
"Musk Said No One Has Died Since Aid Was Cut. That Isn’t True." By @nickkristof
where are Trump's biggest supporters? - what will China do? - Trump is using clubs, and Xi is using laser guided missiles. #china #uspol #auspol
It’s 2025; deleting websites is essentially book burning. We’ve gone from 1984 to 451°F in only over one month. #USPol
Flashback: In 2021, Australia's then conservative government backstabbed the French to trash a multi-billion deal for high-grade submarines all to suck up to the United States for the privilege of paying for their nuclear submarine bases on our soil.
The 'deal,' known as AUKUS, involves Australia handing over hundreds of billions of dollars for Virginia Class Submarines which, most agree, will never be delivered and which the current US leader can not even name.
In February, Australia handed over a cheque for $800 million as part of the arrangement.
All for technology that was obsolete twenty years ago and, even if delivered, will get murdered by the first wave of hostile submersible drone swarms it encounters.
Email campaign Jewish Voice for Peace
"Email Congress: Demand the release of student activist Mahmoud Khalil"
"These are the actions of a fascist government, & we must fiercely resist & speak out, & generate overwhelming public outrage & pressure to ensure Mahmoud's release...
"and to demand that elected officials & universities start protecting students from the reach of the Trump regime."
#MahmoudKhalil #JewishVoiceforPeace #USPol #Autocracy #StudentProtests .
Analysis: "US officials taking part in attacks on the ICC in defence of Israel are obstructing justice".
~Craig Mokhiber
The ICC could prosecute US officials & Israeli officials for obstruction of justice. Both Biden & Trump allowed Israel to act with impunity on Gaza & Palestine.
Trump's administration has also attacked the ICC - a crime under international law.