I wondered about Church of the SubGenius membership benefits and my cat. So, I looked through the policy docs and didn't find a pet clause (yet). I'm no expert but until I find the pet clause, I'm grabbing as many Church member$hips as I can for my cats. Money is going to be worthless soon. WE ALL KNOW IT. Even if I overdo the cat thing, the packets WILL BE the new future currency. The time is now! X-Day is July 5th at 7am!
@RevFlan I believe I heard on an hour of slack recently about needing ordainment for each of your pets. If this is truly important to know in our sacred doctrine, then I'll go do the scripture research to locate its origin.
I thought I might have heard that too. Im curious to know if you find it. I couldnt find the pet salvation reference in our scriptures, prescriptures, or elsewhere. Thankfully, the book "Eyelash" by Rev.Dr. Nikolai Kingsley is guaranteed doctrinally correct by the SubGenius Foundation.