Oh thank goodness for that.
The auto "show the closing bracket in the wrong place" feature of the Arduino IDE was starting to get to me...
Oh thank goodness for that.
The auto "show the closing bracket in the wrong place" feature of the Arduino IDE was starting to get to me...
An Arduino LED Ring MIDI CC controller using Duppa I2C Rotary Encoder and a 24-LED RGB LED ring.
Pausing the project here for a bit. With seven pins dedicated to reading a #SEGA controller, I can use the 8th pin as a signal from the #Arduino not just to indicate when a certain thing is happening, but also as a trigger in #PulseView to start capturing data.
Are you an Arduino/generally a microcontroller or electronics hobbyist? You should go buy a #nanoDLA logic analyser - for a few bucks you can easily visualise exactly what's going on with your I/O signals. Solid recommendation from me.
Tonight's setup - the SEGA controller is now hooked up to an #Arduino Pro Micro alongside the #nanoDLA. To start with I'm just flicking the signal line up and down every 200ms.
I know digitalWrite can make changes on the order of single-digit microseconds - I wonder how fast a Megadrive controller can react?
And here is an update video of it after around 8 hours...
Happy Pi Day everyone.
This is a Pi Day sequencer I built in 2022 but have just uploaded to the Fediverse.
The idea was to use an 8-bit microcontroller to calculate the digits of Pi and the calculation time per digit defined when the note would change...
And here I've moved my jumper leads to pins 3, 5, 6 and 9 - the first four PWM-enabled pins on an #Arduino Pro Micro - and set them to about 20, 40, 60 and 80% respectively.
This is a great demonstration of how pulse-width modulation works - it's not analog, it turns a digital signal on and off for different amounts of time each cycle.
IMHO a cheap analyser like this should be handed out at point of sale to everyone buying their first microcontroller. I wish I'd done this a decade ago, myself.
LOL nope.
I see that there are a lot of projects that connected the Si4703 3.3V pins directly to Arduino 5V pins and claimed to work.
Not a few, a lot. Weird isn't it? They cannot all be fake.
So I dug deeper. As I was reading more about Si4703, a post by jezo421 in GitHub comment dated 2025-01-04 jumped out to me:
Yesterday I received the Si4703 module from Ali. I had the same problem. I2C communication was OK, but tune did not work. Register Status RSSI was still 0x0000. The problem was HW. Pad 16 on the bottom of the chip was not soldered. It is an analog power supply, so it could not work. The repair was unpleasant, but it was successful :-)
Could it be? That my Si4703 breakout board is from the same batch as jezo412? That my problem was actually caused by bad solder job?
Nothing to lose except time and effort, I tried desoldering the Si4703 chip, and guess what?
Pin 16 (VA = Analog Supply) was dry, no solder.
I resoldered it to the breakout. Tried breadboarding with similar setup as before. And it works. IT WORKS. Despite me previously exceeding the absolute max voltage for SCLK, SDIO, RST, and GPIO2 pins.
Solved! Problem = pin 16 not soldered. Solution = desolder the chip and resolder.
Thank you jezo421
So if your Si4703 breakout appears to be not working, or even if you mistakenly connected the pins to 5V, don't give up yet! Your breakout may have the same problem as mine and jezo412, so try to resolder the Si4703 chip!
Hoy hace 15 años que le puse las manos encima a un Arduino (Duemilanove) por primera vez:
Fue en un taller en BCN y aún conservo ese modelo con el que me inicié
Desde entonces he hecho unos cuantos proyectos artísticos con él.
Control de encendido de lásers; leds, servos... el último proyecto fue crear un temporizador para un proyector de diapositivas Kodak y controlar un láser con servos en esta instalación
I've been searching for 'arduino anal probe project', seems so far no one has done this. It's hard being a pioneer. #arduino #analprobe
#introduction long-time #technologist here. Did software dev, media-making and #nonprofit work. Now an #Educator teaching #DigitalMedia and #TechTheater / #stagecraft to high schoolers in Northern California. Old-school Birdsite user in early years of the platform (especially with #wine industry folks) , fell off in 2012 with the rise of "stupid Twitter". Also into #AmateurRadio / #HamRadio, #DIYElectronics including #Arduino, #Teensy and #RaspberryPi, and also #SynthDIY.
Glad to be here.
Hmmm, #NZTwits , things that interest me hashtags...
#Stickers (https://stickertrade.me )
#Whiskey (alternate spelling for countries with an E in their name :D )
About me:
Tinkerer, idiot, see my bio, BSc in Applied Physics.
I can probably think of more right after I hit that toot button.