Ran across this posted by EU- BYTES Europe, also from "Sputnik News"
Ran across this posted by EU- BYTES Europe, also from "Sputnik News"
Blue sky
Sooooo many things wrong with it, even now, before investors start seeking deep profits:
https://www.europesays.com/1918470/ CBP awards first border wall contract of President Trump’s second term #BorderWall #DonaldTrump #Immigration #KristiNoem #México #Politics #trump
"This March 15, thousands of people in more than 10 states in the country united in a National Vigil and Mourning to demand justice for the more than 120,000 disappeared persons and to demand a stop to the forced recruitment of young people. In Mexico City's Zócalo, hundreds of shoes symbolized the absence of the victims, while collectives and families clamored for government action."
Shh! It’s #SilentSunday and this black-crowned night heron would appreciate silence as it shops for dinner in the canals of Xochimilco in Ciudad de #México.
#Canada #Mexico #Scotland #Belgium #Norway #Australia #Denmark #Tariffs
#Sweden #EU #NewZealand #Ireland #Switzerland #Germany #France #Italy #Spain #Portugal #southafrica #Panama #Brazil #India #ukraine #UK #Finland #poland #Estonia #Latvia #Slovenia #Czech #Hungary #Worldnews #us #usa #fascism #nazism
For #SymmetrySunday here’s a *finite* Penrose tiling with five-fold symmetry on the floor in the #Mathematics exhibit of Universum; Museo de las Ciencias de la UNAM in Ciudad de #México.
Who loves freedom! Lets all join together then so we can collectively protect and enjoy freedom. Mexico should be invited along with some other countries like Japan and South Korea that enshrine democratic values (India will have to make big changes first).
EU + Commonwealth + Mexico + Japan + South Korea = New World Order
@crazyeddie @FrancoisPrague @georgetakei
And 54% of adult Americans read at the grade 6 level and below
So literacy is low, but also the critical thinking levels that require deeper literacy
Thanks Reagan
... they all banded together and formed a new #FreeTradeArea, based on current #FTA's and, in part, a new #DefenseUnion? --I've dubbed this #CEUM for #Canada, #Europe, and #Mexico.1) The #EU's new deal with #Mercosur could also be a nice extension and would help to fend off the West's (real) #YellowPeril in the #Americas.
Once the #MAGATs are out off office again, a "sanitized" #US can join, too.
The 7th and 10th US cavalry regiments under John J. Pershing crossed the US-#Mexico border OTD in 1916 to join the hunt for Pancho Villa https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/mexico/tecate-ensenada.html?s=mb #travel #history
When Trump has invaded, and subjugated #Canada, and #Greenland, Trump will look south, and see #Mexico, and #Panama standing there with open arms. And who knows whether Trump will invade, and slaughter Europe next? Wow, if Trump pulled all that off, it would rival anything that Hitler, Stalin, and Idi Amin ever accomplished. All hail Trump the Conqueror!
Even if you're not from the 80s, 2025 is deeply unhinged.
Pay attention to this song.
Mexican people love the Irish. Many #irish #immigrants joined the U.S. Army and helped invade #mexico, but switched sides when they saw #american soldiers massacring innocent Mexican civilians, becoming the Saint Patrick’s Battalion.
Revolutionary, philosopher, and author Nikolai Bukharin worked closely with Trotsky, ranked high in the Bolshevik Party, and was editor of Pravda; Stalin had him executed OTD in 1938 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/mexico/leon-trotsky.html?s=mb #travel #Mexico #history