If you are an #amazon prime subscriber, "Renfield" can be watched there ...
After Amazon's news this week,
I feel the need to share this advice from my Privacy Guides article again:
Notify guests if you are
using a smart speaker
If you are using a smart speaker device in your home such as Amazon's Echo (Alexa), Apple's HomePod (Siri), Google's Nest,
Inform your guests about it when they enter your home
These devices have the capacity
to record all conversations, and there has already been instances of accidental privacy invasion reported about this
Even if you don't mind yourself,
offer your guests to UNPLUG your smart speaker while they are visiting you
Everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon starting on March 28
> Amazon is killing a privacy feature to bolster Alexa+, the new subscription assistant.
If you have an Amazon Echo, Ring, or other corpo snitchware installed in your home - you should sell it or smash it with a hammer
Amazon's marketing campaign for #HomeAssistant and its Voice extensions continues strong.
I propose to recognize them as an ecosystem partner.
Amazon Alexa: Alle Sprachaufnahmen sollen in die Cloud und ausgewertet werden
Amazon hat Echo-Nutzer darauf hingewiesen, dass sie Alexa-Anfragen nicht mehr lokal verarbeiten können. Sprachaufzeichnungen landen standardmäßig in der Cloud.
What Kindle Service Will Amazon Kill Next? https://goodereader.com/blog/kindle/what-kindle-service-will-amazon-kill-next #Kindle #Amazon #Books #eBooks #Reading #Bookstadon #BookSky #LeaveAmazon
Daten von #Amazon sind angefordert, Rechnungen für Steuererklärungen und Garantieszenarien sind heruntergeladen und gespeichert.
Jetzt warte ich noch ab, bis Amazon mir die ZIP-Datei mit allen Daten zukommen lässt, die sie über die Jahre von mir gespeichert haben.
Next Step: Konto löschen und Datenlöschung beantragen.
"Amazon has a sky-high price/earnings ratio – about triple the ratio of other retailers, like Target. That scorching P/E ratio reflects a belief by investors that Amazon will continue growing. Companies with very high p/e ratios have an unbeatable advantage relative to mature competitors – they can buy things with their stock, rather than paying cash for them... Being able to buy things with stock instead of money is a powerful advantage, because money is scarce and exogenous (Amazon must acquire money from someone else, like a customer), while new Amazon stock can be conjured into existence by typing zeroes into a spreadsheet.
But the downside here is that every growth stock eventually stops growing... That's where "AI" comes in. The hype around AI serves an important material need for tech companies. By lumping an incoherent set of poorly understood technologies together into a hot buzzword, tech companies can bamboozle investors into thinking that there's plenty of growth in their future."
You know what I don't understand
at least not completely
Ok there are strong protests against EMusky
The sales are fucked
The stock has taken a nosedive
Ok, so far so good
Protest is a must
(Even if I worry about all the employees)
But what about all these other idiots who are also happily standing next to DTrumpy?
I don't see that many memes etc
They don't have that much headwind
Boycott Google
Boycott Amazon
Boycott Meta
Dime una palabra y, si está en el libro, comparto un fragmento en el que aparezca
Starting on March 28, Echo users will no longer be able to set their devices to process Alexa requests locally and, therefore, avoid sending voice recordings to Amazon’s cloud. In other words, everything you say to your Echo will be sent to Amazon. @ArsTechnica reports:
Alexa will send all recordings to Amazon
In an email sent to customers today, Amazon said that Echo users will no longer be able to set their devices to process Alexa requests locally and, therefore, avoid sending voice recordings to Amazon’s cloud. Amazon apparently sent the email to users with “Do Not Send Voice Recordings” enabled on their Echo. Starting on March 28, recordings of everythi
With just a few week's notice, Amazon is telling folks with Echo devices that the setting that lets smart speakers & displays process Alexa requests locally is disappearing. Starting March 28 all requests will be recorded and sent to Amazon's cloud servers, whether you're using Alexa+ or just plain old Alexa. #Amazon #AmazonEcho #Alexa #privacy http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2025/03/everything-you-say-to-your-echo-will-be-sent-to-amazon-starting-on-march-28/
“Amazon annihilates Alexa privacy settings, turns on continuous, nonconsensual audio uploading”
https://pluralistic.net/2025/03/15/altering-the-deal/ #amazon #privacy #alexa from @pluralistic