I wondered about Church of the SubGenius membership benefits and my cat. So, I looked through the policy docs and didn't find a pet clause (yet). I'm no expert but until I find the pet clause, I'm grabbing as many Church member$hips as I can for my cats. Money is going to be worthless soon. WE ALL KNOW IT. Even if I overdo the cat thing, the packets WILL BE the new future currency. The time is now! X-Day is July 5th at 7am!
about the pets clause... it's mentioned in "Eyelash". tl;dr - the Xists are gonna put on extra saucers for the pets and any unsaved humans you may want to bring along for entertainment.
I am currently reading your book "Eyelash" published by the SubGenius Foundation. That would explain why Ive been thinking about the pet thing. I wonder what I will think about next?
next you'll be thinking about energy parasites that convey mental abilities and even superpowers.
That’s the best prediction I've heard all day.