It seems to me that we SubGeniuses are all a bunch of weirdo linux using fools.
This makes me happy.
This is slack.
@herag not me I use the best FreeBSD distro
Aka Mac OS
Bahaha, yeah. Wait MacOS, as in the CIA distro? Or FreeBSD as in the beautiful free OS?
@herag all OSes are CIA except that weird North Korean Linux distro
Bahaha! Oh that is great, I believe I agree whole heartedly.
I ran RedStarOS for a week in 2015, but really just had a hard time with the N. Korean only language pack.
It was fun. No systemd. More secure than Ubuntu.
BTW, I love to deep dive into some N Korean propaganda. It is truly beautiful and horrifying. It is almost as if they have attempted to improve upon the tactics of 'Bob' and got close.
@herag It’s almost as bad as US propaganda
@drshoggoth @herag gotta get some Twitter Juche nerds to make an English Language version of it
If it were in English, I would definitely revisit it.