I had a dream last night that I was in a church during a service. Of all people, Jordan #peterson was there as well. He sat quietly to the side. Suddenly, the preacher called out Mr Peterson, calling him a false prophet. Peterson responded, "I follow #bob I killed him years ago and now I follow him. I say fuck you and fuck J.R. "#Bob" Dobbs. But I follow him nonetheless.
The whole church was mortified. Not because Peterson claimed to follow someone other than the Christ, but - 1/2
because he said a bad word.
I believe this dream was a vision given to me from "Bob" himself. A vision of insanity and blessed depravity.
#praisebob #prophesy #depraved - 2/2
@herag De-praise and deep-raise Depraved "Bob" and "his" home on derange!