Okay, I'm gonna make it official. The Myspace-era web has just shrunk a tiny bit more.
@johnhattan no way.... seems like something that could of been international by now, what happened???
@reverendrobodummy oh it went international. For about a month in the late 1990's, I was a guest on every stupid "Wacky Morning Team of Firstname and Firstname" radio show in the world.
Here's me in The Daily Mirror.
@johnhattan fucking awesome work!!!
@reverendrobodummy funniest was being on the shows that took themselves seriously.
They were trying to find out the workings of my destructive anti-Christian cult while I'm pitching the grand opening of Texas's first Mass Suicide Drive-Thru.
@johnhattan Given this reminder, I shall soon re-watch "Incubus". It's really the best all-Esperanto movie I've ever seen.
@bobcromwell I have an uncomfortably deep knowledge of bad Shatner movies.
Esperanto-philes deride the movie for Shatner's atrocious pronunciation, but I didn't notice :)